Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Bar #1

Time for the Thursday  Music Night at my neighborhood bar with two friends, Moe and Krystal. Well, we have live music going as we drink. Problem is, this guy sucks. Usually the music is pretty good, but is often killed by them adding too much personal flair. This guy is running a solo set. Piano and vocals.  As I'm writing this he playing a variant of "Turn the Page" and in the middle of it he moves over to "Wonderwall", and right back to "Turn the Page". INDEFT! Now he's playing some bastardized version of  "Folsom Prison". Sometimes we get bad nights like this. I just finished off my Robert the Bruce and I'm about to chug my Blackhawk Porter. Both great beer. Far better then what the bar is drinking, most of them have a can of hipster piss- I mean PBR. 

Krystal and I have a good idea. Ping long balls. Give the right spin and keep popping him in the head every time the musical guests fuck up. With this guy, he'd wind up with a concussion. to make matter worse, he's not even playing full songs. Now he's just playing the first verse, maybe the chorus. God must be a vengeful God to have me listen to this. And now finally he's stopped for a break. I'm happy. 

Good music started pumping through the jukebox. A hell of a lot better then the shit the guy was playing. And fuck, he's back. Now he's playing a song that's too hard to fuck up. "Pianoman". How the fuck can you play piano and he's fucking it up royally. Even Krystal is saying she's not drunk enough. 

All I know is that we're calling it a night early. This guy is just killing our buzz. Well folks, that's all tonight. 

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